Sunday, July 13, 2008

Love Spells

Spell to Keep a Lover

Sprinkle licorice


over your spouse or

footprints. Place
a handful of marigolds or rosemary in, under or around the bed where your lover
or spouse sleeps. Or add cumin to the food you both consume.

Another spell to keep your lover
faithful is:

Prepare a small drawstring pouch
in a dark color. Fill it with licorice herb, dried and ground unicorn root, a
handful of marigolds, fresh rosemary and dried cumin. Place the bag under your
lover's side of the bed and s/he will remain faithful.

Attraction Fire Love

For this spell you will

A charred piece of wood

Rose petals or apple blossoms

A piece of paper

Using the charred part of the stick as you would a

pencil, draw two interlinked
hearts on the paper as you

visualize yourself
enjoying a satisfying relationship.

Hold the rose petals in your projective hand and send fiery,

loving energies into
them. Sprinkle the petals over the linked hearts.

Wrap the paper around the petals. Still visualizing, throw the

package into a fire.
(Failing this, light it in the flame of a red

candle and throw into a
heat-proof container.) As it burns, the power is released.

Remember not to think of anyone particular while doing this spell!

This could be very
dangerous and very harmful to your feelings and

the feelings of others.

Bring Back My Love Spell

This spell can be used to end an argument between friends or lovers.

For this spell you will need these ingredients:

Two white candles
A photograph or a drawing of your lover or friend (make sure he or

she is alone in the photo - cut out or cover anyone else in the picture)
A photograph of yourself smiling
A chamomile tea bag
A piece of blue material

At exactly eight o'clock in the evening, light the candles and take a

few deep breaths to relax you. Try to imagine a peaceful scene in your mind, 

perhaps a beautiful garden or waves rolling onto white sands. Now hold in your 

hand the picture of your lover or friend and repeat this chant:

'With the light of the flame
I'll light your desire,
When I speak your name
You'll feel the glow from my fire.
The spell has been cast -
So be it!'

Say his or her name slowly three times, and then put your picture face down on

top of his or her picture so that the two images are together. Wrap up the two 

pictures along with the chamomile tea bag, in blue cloth. Put the package in a 

safe place.

To make sure your lover or friend gets the message, light the candles at eight

o'clock each night and repeat his or her name three times.

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