Wednesday, April 8, 2009

लव स्पेल्ल्स बी वित्चेस Corner

Welcome to WitchesCorner

Universe as we all know is a vast source of energy and power. All sorts of energy and power have a very scientific explanation behind their existence. But there is one such power known as ‘Supernatural power’ which has, till date, no scientific or logical explanation. But it is also believed that this type of power do exist in day to day life. And we just have to concentrate and focus on such energies to harness it and use it for the betterment of our lives as well as others. Witches Corner is the way to go.

At Withes Corner, we practice sacred methods to utilise this supernatural power and convert them into powerful spells which are cast upon the people in order to make their lives better. It is pure white magic and so in case if you are in any doubt that later if the spell reverses or leaves any side effect, well that will not happen in this case. White magic is totally pure and is for the benefit of the other people. We practice only white magic and have a speciality in Love Spells. But slowly and gradually we have mastered the other areas as well.

Performing magic or casting a spell is never done by a single witch as her power is not very effective as it would be in case of many witches. Hence at Witches Corner, for every spell that is cast, a coven of 12-14 witches support each other throughout the spell and put their energy into your spell.

Love Spell is our speciality and hence we guarantee that you will never have to purchase another Love Spell for the same person. But offcourse if you are putting a spell on more than one person, then you have to obviously purchase for each of them separately. Having an experience of more than 22 years in real life and serving from the last 7 years online has perfected our spells in other areas and we are ready to sort out any problem concerning your Love life, career, health, weight, addiction, fertility, legal life or etc.

Witches Corner is originally located in United States but its power and energy levels are not bounded by the region. It can effectively work across the globe in different countries. All you have to do is to contact us through our website and we will get back to you. The payments can be made through Paypal or any other feasible mode. The spells will be recorded on DVD so that you can see it later after we have cast the spell on you.

So you can forget about any problem and contact us freely. You are free to choose a good life for yourself and we will help you achiever it. The spells are completely safe and authentic and are working wonders for the people who have already tried it. You can read the testimonials for your own satisfaction on our website

वित्चेस कार्नर Spells

Witches Corner is an experienced group of witches. Witchcraft and Love spells are not a new thing to us. It is very much prominent since sixteenth century and is still being used by the witches and wiccans across the world. If used with dignity and respect, these spells do wonder for the people on whom the spell is cast. But if it is misused, it is even more vulnerable and can be fatal at times.

Magic forces are not a child’s play. They are supposed to be reckoned and hence should be performed with highly experienced people or professionals. Witches Corner offers you a variety of spells which is totally safe and authentic. Love Spells are the most common type of spell and hence we offer you a variety in it. It is also guaranteed that the spell will work or else the money is refunded. There is nothing as beautiful as love and hence we believe in reuniting the swayed lovers and putting their love story back on the right track.

We know that involving magic for love will be somewhere unfair for the other person on whom the spell is cast. But the fact is that, Love spell do not interfere with the free will of a person. But it only enhances the feeling or any sort of emotion that a person may have had or has it for the other person who wants to cast the spell. Witches corner takes care of all clients in this aspect.

A spell works in a variable amount of time depending upon the energy level involved. These magic spells are completely safe and do not indulge any side effects. They are white magic and all the positive energy flows through it to make the spell successful.

We deal with all sorts of problems including monetary, weight loss, addiction, revenge, business success, beauty related problems, or even protection spells. A coven of 12-14 witches put their energies and power in to a single spell to make it work for you. All you have to do is contact us for any type of problem and we will suggest a spell for that. You also do not need to be worried about the so called threefold rule as you are not the one who is casting the spell...that is what witches corner is for.

You can contact us anytime, from anyplace in the world. You can check the website for further details. For any type of consultation, feel free to mail at .

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

What do you expect a witch to offer you? Well obviously spells. There are a variety of spells from witches corner that we offer you to make your life less complicated and let you live according to the way you choose. Many people do not really believe in such powers. But it is important that before you come to us to and expend any of our offered services, you should be very clear about the fact that you believe in these powers. Believing in it is what makes us more powerful and makes the spell stronger.
We have a variety of Love Spells since most of the customers from witches corner keep looking for different types of Love spells. We have perfected each and every spell and we assure you that each and every spell will work equally beautifully as the other would have worked. These Love spells are-
· Bring Back Lover Love Spells
· Soul Mate Love Spells
· Break them Up Love Spell
· Break them up and Return Lover Love Spell
· More Sex Love Spells
· Get Your Life Back After Love Spell
· Complete Life Changing Love Spell
· Last Chance Love Spell
· No Longer Lonely Love Spells
· Keep Lover Faithful Love Spells
· Attraction Love Spells
· Fall in Love Again Love Spell
· Stop Divorce Love Spells and Customized Love Spells.
Other than these Love spells, you have-
· Complete life changing spells
· Lottery spells
· Money spells
· Curse removals
· Legal spells
· Get your life back spells
· Protection/binding spells
· Weight loss spells
· Luck spells
· Business success spells
· Fertility spells
· Addiction spells
· Karma/revenge spells
· Beauty spells
· Student spells
These are the different genre of spells from witches corner that can be cast on the person whose life you want to make better or you can even cast it on yourself. Tarot card reading is also done apart from casting spells. Also if you want your Horoscopes to get a glimpse of your future, it is no desire anymore. You can get it made from us.
All this for your betterment and we assure you that these spells do work wonders. And if any point of time you feel that your life hasn’t changed for good, then probably you did not miss the hundred percent money back offer! Do take a step ahead towards a better life.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Casting a Love Spell - Witches Corner

Start by casting a circle. Witches Corner

Place flowers in your hair. You may place single flowers in your hair or you may weave flowers into a crown. Particularly appropriate flowers (in any combination you prefer) for love spells include: apple blossoms, apricot, aster, avens, bachelor’s buttons, balm of Gilead, basil, black cohosh, bleeding heart, bloodroot, caper, cardamom, catnip, chamomile, cherry, chickweed, clover, coltsfoot, columbine, copal, coriander, crocus, cuckoo-flower, daffodil, daisy, damiana, dill, dogbane, dragon’s blood, elecampane, elm, fragrant bedstraw, gardenia, gentian, geranium, ginger, ginseng, grains of paradise, hibiscus, houseleek, hyacinth, jasmine, juniper (flowers and berries), lady’s mantle, lavender, lemon, lemon balm, lemon verbena, licorice, lime, linden, liverwort, lobelia, lotus, lovage, mallow, marjoram, meadow rue, meadowsweet, mimosa, oleander, orange, orchid, pansy, pea, peach, peppermint, periwinkle, plum, plumeria, poppy, primrose, purslane, quassia, rose, rosemary, saffron, sarsaparilla, senna, spearmint, spiderwort, strawberry, tamarind, thyme, tulip, valerian, vanilla, Venus’ flytrap, vervain, violet, willow, wood betony, wormwood, and yarrow. Witches Corner

Visualize the flowery connection to the Goddess of love.

You may read a poem that you have personally written that expresses your hopes and desires and dreams about love. Witches Corner

Light a white candle to Aphrodite. If you know the proper herbs for a love spell, you can prepare the candle in advance. Otherwise, any ordinary white candle (of any size and shape) is acceptable.

If you do not know how to prepare a candle with magick herbs (which is a more advanced Witchcraft skill), light some incense instead. You may choose any kind of incense (or use herbs), the best for love spells being apple (wood or blossoms if making your own), apricot, avens, basil, cannabis, cardamom, chamomile, cherry, cinnamon, clove, copal, coriander, crocus, cubeb (seed if making your own), dill (seed if making your own), dragon’s blood, elm, gardenia (petals if making your own), ginger, grains of paradise, hyacinth, jasmine (oil if making your own), juniper (berries if making your own), lavender (petals or oil if making your own), lemon (peel or oil if making your own), lemon balm, lotus (bouquet if making your own), maple wood, marjoram, orange (flowers or peel or oil if making your own), peach, peppermint, poppy (seed if making your own), rose (petals or oil if making your own), rosemary, rue, saffron, spearmint, thyme, tonka (bouquet if making your own), vervain, violet (root or flowers or oil if making your own), willow (white willow bark if making your own), wood aloe, and yarrow. Note that cannabis should only be used in locations where there is a legitimate legal right to religious cannabis use.

Use the candle flame to purify your request for love and to personalize it to you and ask for Aphrodite to help deliver your desired love (not necessarily a specific person). You may recite your poem again.

If your candle is still burning, snuff it out rather than blowing it out. If you blow out the flame, you will also blow out the magick of the love spell.

You may optionally eat a small meal. Foods particularly appropriate for love spells include apple (including apple juice or apple cider), apricot, avocado, barley, beans, beets, Brazil nuts, capers, cherry, chestnuts, fig, leek, lemon, licorice, lime, nuts, orange, papaya, peas, peach, peppermint (including peppermint tea), plum, quince, raspberry, rose hips (including rose hip tea), spearmint (including spearmint tea), strawberry, sugar cane, and tomato, as well as foods prepared with barley, basil, chili pepper, cinnamon, coriander (cilantro), dill, ginger, licorice, maple syrup, marjoram, peppermint, pimento, saffron, spearmint, sugar cane, thyme, tomato, and vanilla. You may also make magick love pies with any of the listed fruits. The juice of any of the listed fruits may also be used in love spells.

Close the circle as described in the article about casting a circle.

You may perform this spell on you own, but for extra power, you can join together with others who are performing a shared Aphrodite New Moon love spell each New Moon.

By working together with others all over the world you greatly strengthen your love spell. There is power and strength in unity and coordinated magick. This works like a coven, except on a worldwide basis.

Witches Corner.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Simple Love Spell by Witches Corner

A Simple White Candle Love Spell
The following love spell using a white candle is very easy to perform:

You need a virgin white candle that is thick enough to inscribe. A four inch alter style candle works well as it is easy to inscribe and small enough to watch as it burns completely away.
Place the candle in a candle holder on your alter. If you do not have an alter, a table top is fine.
Surround the candle with special objects that mean a lot to you and to the person you love. These precious things can be symbolic, such as a small seashell if you love the ocean, a flower petal of your favorite flower or a special word written on a piece of paper.
If you have access to a white rose or a white rose bush, take a thorn and inscribe the candle with it. Write the words All my love come to me three times on the candle. If you do not have a rose thorn, use the tip of a knife, a nail or a needle to inscribe the candle.
Place the candle back in the middle of the alter or table and light it.
Focus on the candle as it burns, visualizing the person coming to you with love. Keep visualizing and thinking about the person until the candle burns down completely.
Once the candle has burned away, place the wax puddle that is left and the objects surrounding the candle in a piece of white paper. Put the remains in a safe place.
The outcome of this candle love spell means the person will give you all the love they have for you. It could be more or less than you expected.

Ending the Love Spell
If the time comes that you no longer want the person to love you, take the love spell remains you wrapped in the white paper and dispose of them. You can do this in any manner you like such as burning the paper with its contents, burying it or simply throwing it away.

Provided by witches corner
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