Saturday, July 12, 2008

Magic and Witchcraft

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Magic and Witchcraft

This is some
information on magic and witchcraft in the wiccan religion:

The very word stirs deep emotions, visions of mysterious rites done in the dark
of the night, and the feeling of ancient occult secrets. Those secrets
both lure and frighten you. They hold the promise of power-power to
improve your life; to gain the serenity, love, and comfort you have always
wanted; and to stop your enemies cold in their tracks.

Witches view the
world through a different reality from that of other people: Nature is to be
honored and preserved in all its diversity. Just as Buddhists do, Witches
believe that all paths that are not negative lead to enlightenment, serenity,
and spiritual awareness with the use of spells.

It is true that
under certain combinations of circumstances you can occasionally run the risk of
troublesome encounters on the astral planes. Most of these cases occur
when your spirit is projected by accident, for example, when it is loosened from
the body through a physician's use of anesthetic, or when you have consumed so
much alcohol that your spirit frees itself or when an auto accident abruptly
shakes the astral half of you free of the physical half. To give yourself
a little extra reassurance, to put up (as we say) some psychic bars, you should
use an amulet of protection as Witches do. For centuries people have been
brainwashed to fear Witches, yet we have withstood both physical and psychic
attacks. Our pre-knowledge of our life and of the future allows us to
avoid and minimize the physical attacks. We ward off psychic attacks with
highly developed psychic protective measures. Something as simple as a
protective silver ring will adequately serve this purpose.

To see our love spells click here

Wicca is a common
and much older name for witchcraft. The term witchcraft has been defined in
different ways.

Witchcraft is not, however, synonymous with Satanism.

The definitive start of the modern witchcraft era began with Gerald Gardner

The term witch comes from the Old English word wicca,

which is derived from the Germanic root wic, meaning to bend or to turn. By
using magic, a witch can change or bend events.

Today, the word witch can be applied to a man or a woman. In the past, male
witches were also called warlocks and wizards

Modern Witches practice magic, both for spell casting and as a path of spiritual
growth. For a full list of my spells visit

Witchcraft has been part of the folklore of many societies for centuries.
Witchcraft has also come to refer to a set of

beliefs and practices of a religion. Its followers call it Wicca, the Craft, the
Wisecraft, or the Old Religion

Wicca is a joyous religion, connecting us to our kinship with nature, a merging
of our spirit with the Goddess and God, the universal energies

that created all that is. It is a personal, positive celebration of life. It is
NOT a destructive, violent belief system

in which we sell our souls to the devil, sacrifice humans, or eat babies.

Witchcraft has come a long way, yet, sadly, even though there are laws today
which protect an individual's right to practice a

personal religion such as witchcraft, there are those who still feel threatened
by imaginary untruths about it.

Belief in witchcraft exists around the world and varies from culture to culture.
Historically, people have associated witchcraft

with evil and usually have regarded a witch as someone who uses magic to harm
others, by causing accidents, illnesses, bad luck,

and even death. Some societies believe that witches also use magic for good,
performing such actions as casting

love spells

money spells

beauty spells
, and
much more.

People around the world continue to practice witchcraft for good or harm.

Unlike those who practice witchcraft for harm, the followers of Wicca believe in
practicing magic only for beneficial purposes.

Wicca is a religion that celebrates the natural world and the seasonal cycles.

It acknowledges the Goddess as the feminine side of a deity called God.

Witches worship both Goddess and God in various personifications, including
ancient gods and goddesses

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The Tools
of the Trade

If you are
looking for powerful love spells visit
Witchcraft tools that you will need at your disposal to enable you to move
surely and competently through life are as follows:


If you are alive then you have
the white magic witchcraft power.
You know how to recharge your cosmic batteries; you know how to send out the
power to do your bidding. Take safe steps to get in touch with your own
inborn power and with the universal cosmic power that is always available.
Use it and don't let it do to waste!


Using deep meditation one can
always achieve an altered state of consciousness. In that state you will
be able to look at situations through new eyes. A tree will become a
living, breathing thing. The earth will suddenly become the mother from
which flows everything you need. When you reach this blissful state, you
will suddenly have an epiphany. Like a blinding flash of lightning, it
will totally change your life. From it, you will know which direction to


Did you know that you have the
ability to leave your body and investigate anything you wish, unlimited by
physical space and time? People? Places? You name it. If
you were thinking of taking a nice vacation, why not experience it first before
you pay for it? In the achievement of your life's goals, astral travel is
one of the most powerful tools that you will ever use. With this tool, you
will be able to see what is going to happen in the future and what has already
happened in the past. Travel is rapid and the results are spectacular!


Possession is a situation often
misunderstood. People often refer to the Exorcist and similar horror
stories; however if used properly it can be very beneficial. For example,
you can possess another person's body to understand how they are feeling.
From within their body, you can influence them to make a decision in your favor
which otherwise might not be made. An authentic High Priestess in the
Wiccan religion can do this to help with the influence of spells.


Spells and rituals are what most
people think of when they think of what a witch does. While this is true,
it doesn't stop there. However,
spells and rituals
are used as psychic rifle bullets that will shatter any
opposition of your wishes. Slight modifications to each spell can be used
to produce different results. Over the course of time and experience a
witch or High Priestess will perfect each and every spell to ensure the most
powerful results.


Your guides and mentors are some
of your most valuable assets. They will bring you more benefit and wisdom
than any tool in your occult tool kit. They are there emotionally and will
support you when you are in doubt. It will take a lot of time and
practice, but you can do it. When you receive advice from your guide, you
also don't always have to follow it. In the end, you will learn what the
right answers are and are not. Experience will will you proceed
confidently and serenely to achieve your life's goals.


Your body is the most
powerful tool that you have. In your childhood, you may have been told
that witchcraft is evil or the devil's work. This is just not true.
Magick witchcraft spells and rituals can be used for good to enhance the lives
of those around you. One of the easiest ways to achieve spiritual
awareness is through the use of meditation.

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given in this blog please click on my google ads!

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